Sunday, November 24, 2013

Review & Giveaway: Beyond Eighteen by Gretchen de la O

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Momma's Rating:
4.5 What A Great Ending Stars
Momma's Review
I can absolutely say that I loved this series!  And Beyond Eighteen, the final book in the Wilson Mooney series, was the perfect ending for this story.  I was so happy to see that it didn't end in a normal cliché.  I won't spoil the ending for you by saying what does or doesn't happen but it was great to see that Gretchen de la O didn't just pick a cookie cutter ending. 
The problems for the characters from book two roll right into book three and the story continues right where it left off.  The ending of Eighteen At Last left me with a heart palpitation so I had to start Beyond Eighteen pretty much immediately...even if it did make a certain hubby roll his eyes!  Max and Wilson continue to grow together on their journey and get over some of the jealousy of the past. 
In this third and final book we get to see the characters start to take on more real life adult situations and there were times that I was really worried that they were going to make some horrible choices.  I may have yelled at my ereader a few times because of it! There were a few really surprising parts of the book that I knew had to come but wasn't sure how the author was going to pull it off....but she did....perfectly!  I know it's cryptic....but I don't want to give anything away!
The Wilson Mooney Series is an extremely well written series.  It has angst, drama, heartbreak, pain, romance and steam.  Pretty much everything you can ask for in a good classic romance trilogy!
Momma's Recommendation:
I highly recommend this book to all romance readers.  The entire series was worth it and the fact that all 3 books are out means it's a great book series to read while waiting those long months between books of a series that is unfinished!



Other Books In The Series

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1 comment:

Thanks for rock kitten!